The Jeffrey W. Berger Research Scholarship Foundation

The Jeffrey W. Berger Research Scholarship Foundation was formed in 2003 in memory of Jeffrey W. Berger, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Berger was a talented physician, teacher, scholar and researcher at the Scheie Eye Institute at the University of Pennsylvania at the time of his death in 2001. The Foundation was created with the intent to support medical and ophthalmologic research activities to continue Dr. Berger’s work and honor his legacy. The Foundation provides charitable support for students performing medical research activities in connection with macular degeneration and other ophthalmologic diseases and conditions.
The Foundation was created by Jeff’s family and friends who have volunteered their time and expertise making it possible to limit the costs of maintaining the Foundation. Since its inception, we have provided research scholarships to deserving medical students who may be interested in combining serious ophthalmologic research with a clinical practice, most probably in an academic setting. We want to encourage the best and brightest medical students who show a sincere commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and an interest in incorporating research into their clinical careers.
In 2005, we presented our first student with the Jeffrey W. Berger Medical Student Research Award at the annual Jeffrey W. Berger Lecture held at Scheie. Since then, we have presented awards every year. In 2021, we introduced the Scheie Hadassah InterNational Exchange (SHINE) Program to provide opportunities for students at Scheie to do research at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem and students at Hadassah to do research at Scheie. See the Research Opportunities section of the website for more information about these scholarship opportunities.
To donate to the Foundation, click on the DONATE link. The Jeffrey W. Berger Research Scholarship Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 22-6881571).